On Key

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There are certain people in all of our lives who bring out the best AND worst in us. Sometimes, I reckon they don’t even realise the thoughts that can go through a hormonal women’s head, and even though we would never act those thoughts out (or WOULD we?! haha), if they only KNEW, they might just think twice before winding us up on PMS week?!

I’m not gunna lie, I have had a lifetime of the most horrible hormonal fluctuations, and so I’ve had to be on some kind of supplement since my 20’s. 

But, just last year, when I ran out of my usual ’30 plus’  supplement (and upon the recommendation of our 30plus community) I gave REMIFEMIN a go.

And, Im not kidding…this is the BEST THING I have taken in my WHOLE life!

As long as Im taking these regularly, you cant get a SINGLE rise out of me!

I don’t get PMS
Hot flushes
Hormonal tiredness
Irritability or

And it’s PRETTY blimming cheap, for the relief it provides. It’s also WAY cheaper than a lawyer 😉

Not all supplements work for all women, so I cant guarantee they’ll work for everyone. But they’re definintely worth giving a whirl!

By the way…

* This is not a paid advertisement (I’m just a VERY satisfied REMIFEMIN customer)
* The knife in the pic was (OBVIOUSLY) only used to open the packet (no males were harmed in the making of this blog!).

I hope you get as much relief as I have, if you decide to give these a go, yourself!

Love you!

– Mean it.


 Natalya x

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Embrace Lifelong Learning

Embrace Lifelong Learning *********************************** ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your…mind.’ Mark 12:30 NKJ God has created us with the capacity to

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