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trust me, it's never too late to improve your skin...

My entire life I’d had the most DREADFUL skin! I had terrible acne in my teens, which resulted in me using roaccuntane. I was a lifelong sun bather, so had intense pigmentation, and my pores were like pits in the grand canyon!

I had honestly just given up on believing that I could ever possibly have nice skin, so I just used to disguise it with makeup instead.


One day I was given a product to try by a local Nutrimetics consultant. It just happened to coincide with me getting my lips cosmetic tattooed, so the tattooist had taken a ‘before’ photo of my lips. Six weeks later (and 6 weeks in to my new moisturising regime) I had an ‘after’ photo… and by NO word of a lie, my skin had TOTALLY transformed! Particularly the reduction in my HUGE, open pores around my mouth! 

These photos were taken 6 weeks apart and my skin has continuously improved every day thereafter.


results speak for themselves, right?

Im not the ONLY one who has had amazing results with this range though. One of my beautiful customers (above) had been struggling for SO long with reactive and hormonal skin, to the point where she dreaded her front role job.

I walked with this customer, beginning to end through her journey, and I think her before and afters speak for themselves?

Now, I’m no beauty queen but apart from being able to help you with your skincare needs, I also know how to teach kick-butt makeup for OUR age group. And my tutorials are down-to-earth enough that you can replicate the looks on YOURSELF.

I also understand that not everyone likes or wants to wear makeup… but you’re kidding yourself if you think you can get away without skincare. So, luckily I can help you with either (or both!)

Come and check out our online community, where you can learn about skincare and makeup in a non-intimidating environment and where you can learn to look your very best – no matter WHAT your age.


  • I’m old (like you! ) so I won’t teach you ‘teenager style’
  • I wont lie to you. If I don’t like a product in the range I wont fake it. I don’t fake much of anything actually if it doesn’t do it for me, it doesn’t do it for me
  • I wont judge your useless makeup skills… because I didn’t even used to WEAR makeup before I studied it, so I promise I wont laugh…much
  • Our makeup and skincare is cruelty free. The only animals we test on are ex-husbands (just kidding… maybe?)
    We always use natural ingredients as a first port of call which is why even sensitive skinned people can most often use our products and NOT even turn into a giant blueberry!
  • We are a NZ & Aussie based brand – so make sure you buy off us kiwis to keep the rivalry from over the ditch nice and healthy
  • If you don’t buy from me we can’t be friends! Lol..
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