chats about wellness

I have always been VERY health conscious, and have opted out of MANY things over my life time, just because I prefer ‘natural’ options, over allopathic.

So, it only made sense, when I was approaching the age of the free mammogram screening, that I wanted to know what my options were…. And that’s how I found out about Thermography.

I 100% recommend you pop over to Clinical Thermography NZ and watch the 12 videos on the topic of Thermography versus Mammography. VERY interesting.

Menstrual Coach, Monique Dickson talks us through the 4 stages of the cycle and how we can tweak what we participate in during those weeks in order to exponentially improve the quality of our lives. Who’d have known?! Take Moniques Quiz to work out WHERE you are in your cycle and what that means:

Monique on facebook 
Or take her 30 days of eating (to support your cycle) course: 30 days of eating

In this chat with Health & Nutrition Coach, Sarah Ahern, we unpack the truth about intermittent fasting.

Does it cause havoc to the hormones of women who are in the 30 plus (plus, PLUS!) age group?

is it right for everyone?


Carbs turn to sugar, sugar spikes your insulin & insulin is what causes inflammation, which (in turn) creates metabolic dis-ease. In this fascinating chat with Sarah Ahern (Health & Nutrition Coach) who has been THRIVING on Keto for 20 years, we unpack how we have been duped by the food pyramid for FAR too long and how packaged foods actually HURT our bodies. Sarah is offering 15% off her January intake for her 12 week course that will have you OFF sugar and on the path to health and wellness.
Check her out here: Metabolic Switch 
on Facebook
Or contact her through her website:

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