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I wanna squeeze EVERY drop of what God has planned for me OUT of this life, before I slide sideways, (with my ripped jeans, messed up hair, and spilt wine!) into eternity...


I don’t subscribe to New Years Resolutions. It’s never really been my gig.

I reckon that every single day that you’re alive brings with it FRESH energy, to make new, and good choices – ya don’t hafta wait for a ‘New Year’ for that!

Most of us are more chilled over the Christmas period, so it’s definitely a time where we have enough head space and inspiration for dreaming up new beginnings. But, I like to start as SOON as the inspiration hits.

So, today, I felt an INSTANT surge of power when I opened the ‘good book’.

This book is SO rich with symbolism and hidden meaning, that you HAVE to dig deep for understanding and revelation. If you don’t go deep, you’ll only understand it from a surface level, and it just wont have the ability to transform your life.

Because, it’s not ‘New Years Resolutions’ that change your life – It’s New Years REVELATIONS

Day one is done, and I can’t believe how it hit me (RIGHT between the EYES!). 

Every single thing that God created on this Earth was MEANT to 

Prosper us
Nourish us
Support us
Grow us,
Protect us, and
Nurture us.

There wasn’t ONE SINGLE thing that was created to 

Hurt us
Stunt us
Worry us, or
Cause us lack.

So, I’ve decided to go into this New Year with the belief that ALL good things will come to me.
And if they’re not good, they’re NOT from God.

And I’ve decided to call in… 

Provision &

And, I’m NOT accepting anything LESS!

I know that God isn’t my personal pokie machine – but I ALSO know that He said that we can ask for ANYTHING in His name and receive it…

This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask for anything according to his will, he hears us. 1 John 5:14


So, my plan is to squeeze EVERY little DROP of what God has sussed for me OUT of this life, before I slide sideways (with my ripped jeans, messed up hair & spilt wine) into eternity!

That’s MY ‘New Years Revelation’.

Here are the affirmations I’ll be reading over myself, daily.
You should print them off and read them, too!  x x


Love you!

– Mean it.


 Natalya x



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