Not gunna lie… the bane of my life has ALWAYS been HORMONES…
I hate THEM, and they hate ME.

It only took me until my 30’s to realise that I cannot SURVIVE without some kind of natural supplement to support me through my WILD PMS!
And it it took until my 40’s to realise that they were WORTH the investment!

* I mean, I believe in them SO much that I even put my hand up to be in an AD about them! (and don’t worry, I don’t get paid to say this! haha) *
I’m not even sure how I made it through my teens and twenty’s with no support? But I DO remember the feeling of wanting to annihilate people if they even chewed their FOOD too loudly, or so much as LOOKED at me in the wrong direction!
It’s not fair though.
Us women go through HELL.
Child birth
I mean, cut us some slack, will ya, please God?!
I feel like our generation really lucked out where it came to learning how to nurture ourselves through hormones too?
These days women put themselves to bed for days, buy themselves all of the self-help soothers; chocolate, magazines, online shopping sprees (haha)
And they cry and ask for cuddles from their respective others!
And what did WE used to do?
We grinned and BARED it – that’s what!
Well actually, that’s technically not true. We actually had MENTAL breakdowns and then we had to harden up and get STRAIGHT back to work! Haha (twitch, twitch!)
Maybe we’ve just become soft as a human race?
For me, I know that if someone gives me too much sympathy, it actually disables me – It’s like they’ve given me permission to wallow in my sorrows?
In fact, I don’t even WANT sympathy.
I don’t WANT to talk it out
I don’t WANT a shoulder to cry on….
I JUST want someone to do the damn dishes, or washing… or ANYTHING that will lighten my load for me.
(But then, thats not only reserved for hormonal times of the month either!)
I reckon that the world would be a MUCH happier (and safer!) place if women were allowed to just go to a resort for a few days of each month and ease away the tension that comes with hormones?
Relationships would last longer – thats for REAL!
Anyway, I musn’t complain.
I’ve been in FAR worse ‘hormonal’ predicaments (single parenting back to back babies while living on the smell of an oily rag!) and I couldn’t afford a bottle of wine back then – let alone a house with a spa bath. (Although I DO pay through my nose for the privilege of said bath!)
So, yeah, back to the hormones….
If God made hormones THIS aggressive then maybe women were SUPPOSED to be fierce bit*hes, and run the gosh-darned world?
So, I guess, RIGHT after this PMS is over, I’ll be getting RIGHT back on with that?
But until then, you can find me in my spa bath…letting off some steam 😉
Love you
– Mean it.
Natalya x x