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3.5 years ago when I used to wash my face with shampoo (yupp! shampoo! 🙈) My skin was absolutely MUNTED! In fact, it was SO munted that I honestly looked like I’d been in my coffin for a WEEK!

I guess Id just concluded that I’d had such bad skin all of my life, that there was nothing that could be done to redeem it?

I had always wanted to be a beautician, but I was so embarrassed at the state of my skin and realised that NO ONE would want skin like mine (which would be PRETTY bad for business!), so I decided on being a makeup artist instead. I figured that if I couldn’t have pretty skin I’d just slap some makeup on it instead! 

Graduation night. I was 7 months pregnant and a single Mum of 2 other kiddoes!

This is how I used to have to do my makeup jobs as a single Mum!  And yes, my makeup business was called ‘Amazing Face’ (haha), until I re-branded to ‘Thirty Plus and Fabulous! 

On my ‘makeup journey’ I decided to give cosmetic tattooing a whirl and went along to get my lips tattooed. Of course, I cringed when the cosmetic tattooist took a photo up close of my face – but it was all a part of her personal marketing, so I had to roll with it! (Ugh!)  

Coincidentally, on the exact day that I went to have my lip procedure I had also begun using Nutri-rich oil, (which I had received for free, for joining up as a VIP to Nutrimetics). 

I didn’t really think anything of it. And to be honest I was still using shampoo, or cheap supermarket face cleanser at the same time, so it wasn’t like I’d gone on a brand new skin journey? I was only slapping on a bit of moisturiser because it was there! Haha. 

Within a few days I DID think that my skin was looking and feeling different, but I didn’t know exactly what was changing? 

6 weeks later I went back to have my lips touched-up by my cosmetic tattooist, where she took another photo to document the changes. And some time later I noticed she’d popped the photos up on her instagram. But it was the photo’s themselves that were my FIRST realisation of what had actually happened to my skin. 

My mind was COMPLETELY blown!  

My pores had reduced, skin smoothed out and my fine lines had all but disappeared! 

I literally could NOT effing BELIEVE 

Before Photo
Large open pores 

Six weeks After
Unbelievably reduced pores!

Seriously though, don’t take my word for it. Grab your own, take some ‘before’ photos and have your OWN kick-ass skin experience! You will NOT be sorry. 
Every product comes with a 60 day money back guarantee too, so if you don’t like it (which you 100% WILL!) you can send it back for a full refund 🙂

Grab yours here: 

Nutri-rich oil 25ml – https://shop.nutrimetics.co.nz/thirtyplusandfabulous/product-detail/10828

Nutri-rich oil 60ml – https://shop.nutrimetics.co.nz/thirtyplusandfabulous/product-detail/10827 

And send me your before and after photos if you don’t mind me sharing your amazing results x 

Love you!

– Mean it.

 Natalya x x


Embrace Lifelong Learning

Embrace Lifelong Learning *********************************** ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your…mind.’ Mark 12:30 NKJ God has created us with the capacity to

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